It's my favorite time of year! Christmas presents, hot cocoa, snuggling by the fire, BEHIND-THE-SCENES POSTS! I love checking out all of my favorite photographers BTS's kind of like a magician revealing his trick! Also, I learned several things about myself while reviewing some BTS shots of me in action this past year. The first and most important, I wore that polka dot skirt and black top WAY TOO OFTEN. It's looks like I only shot one wedding this year. But really, I subconsciously made myself wear a uniform (granted, a cute uniform!) to each one! :)

I also learned a few more things about, I bear an uncanny resemblance to Big Foot.

I'm an expert fake-eyelash fixer! You can tell by how seriously I am focusing.

I can get away with this while I'm young, but the second I turn into a 60 year old man people will start calling the cops.

I also learned that I'm just not tall enough. I thought 5'9" was pretty tall, but that's just not the case when trying to create flattering angles!

Oh, and I learned that I was right in my life-choice to remain BEHIND the camera, and not in front of it. 

And last, but certainly not the least scary, I leave you with this gem! Go ahead, try and enjoy your holidays now, I dare ya! :)

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Thank you to all of my amazing second shooters who made this post possible: Jaine, Lauren, Cecilia, Kristen, Kristina, and my darling husband Christopher!

Cassi Claire is a New Jersey & Destination wedding photographer
that specializes in vineyard, estate, and waterfront weddings!